... Who cares if he spent on it his whole life or he just converted it from a shitty arcade game which calls itself racing simulator. ... Hmm, maybe your brain is infected or something that you have to be agressive for no reason. ... Anyway I would be for to forbid modding LFS cars' models completely.
And MagnoT forgot a one thing... not really important... oh, no, it's important... 86 interior? If I would like to play like I'm driving a hachiroku, I would like to drive in 86 interior, not in boxes with textures.
I wanted to update my current avatar. I'm 100% sure that the new image was under 50kB and it was 96x96px + it was GIF format. I also tried to upload avatar of my friend...
The problem is, that lfsw status line says that the avatar was sucessfully updated, but in fact after I load my statistics profile, the avatar is missing. Only empty space. I also tried to delete my avatar. After this operation default lfsw avatar loaded. On this I tried to update the avatar again, but result was the same as before.
Not really a big or an important bug, but still.
I'm requesting if anyone could try update his avatar and post what was the result. Thanks.
If you can join the others servers, then it's probably a problem on server's side. At 1st I was thinking about an InSim bug, but it couldn't show up error before he would join the server.
Sorry, but I don't think "LFS Hosts Forum" is for servers presentation... Am I wrong? I think once I somewhere read that the forum is not established for this.
Try 500servers.com. Does the adress work for you? If not, then your provider blocked it probably. You cannot join anything powered by 500servers.com.
It is just an option, I don't really know, but I have the same problem. Not at Falken Drift Server, but at other server, powered by ANTIK.sk.
I'm living in Czech Republic, my provider is UPC(.cz). In Slovak Republic (or also Slovakia) is ANTIK(.sk). The server worked fine for me all the time, but I wanted to join yesterday afternoon and there was the problem you were talking about . Also ANTIK.sk worked and now, I cannot get on the website although the others can. Friend with ANTIK.sk provider tried to get on UPC.cz, but it didn't work... same.
Hmm, why? I would like to see some implemented functions, but only the very very useful. If we are talking about the same drift points function as LFSLapper has, then I would like to say "NO" in 150px size as the others already said.
To rotarydreams:
If you go sideways, focus on your line, angles, smoothess etc. Do not focus on to get the most points.
Haha. The D1 judges/commentators. It's all about fun and show. They are screaming a lot, their comments are noisy and so, but not really as you typed... This happens only in wtf/lol situations . Crashes, reaching dangerous limits, funny moments, like for example Katsuhiro Ueo (D1 driver) once suddenly lost his wheel after he entered the corner in high speed, but surprisingly he did not lose control.
1000 of 1000. Really enjoyed it.
On Vimeo, music goes normally, but the video is slow, so there is about plus 3-4 minutes... The best is download HiQ version .
Song name, please?