Signed. ... Read my lfsw and you should understand. Once I asked the devs if it would be possible to change it and retain my current statistics in a case that I'm not banned on any server. The answer was something like "it's not possible" and that was all, I don't even know why it isn't possible, but the reason is probably that many people would want to change it too, so I understand ... My idea is something like - you can change your lfsw, if you are not banned on any server, if you have a very good reason for it and the new name must be confirmed by someone of the devs, or by a person chosen by devs, that the new name is alright, not rasist, not super stupid or so... and you can change it only once in a half year and it will cost like $5 or $10, so people won't do it whenever they want. Only people who are really unhappy with it and who really cares about their lfsw name will do it + devs could get some more cash.
The server was restarted.. leaderboard reset? Well, you know I was there a few days ago... and you guys posted this announcement after I was there... and I wasn't there since then, so... I wonder... how can I be there still on 1st place, when I actually wasn't there after that leaderboard reset? Maybe there wasn't any.
Here is something simple from me... I fell in love with GTR (actually, concretely in FZR ) at Aston National in a few last days. Here's braking moment in T1.
Did anyone already suggest a command for removing a layout from a server? I don't mean /axclear, I mean a command, which will remove the layout from layouts list ( /axlist )... The command could be /axdelete or /axremove.
Congrats! By the way, to make it clear, these guys are Czechs, not Slovakians, but since our countries are side by side and were connected to 1 country in the past, we can understand each other very well... very similar languages.
Hell yeah, +1 on that. It doesn't have any purpose if you want to release it at a specific hour... It won't change count of watchers, popularity, or what ever you are meaning by it. People will watch it anyway.
This is a bug? I thought it's the same as with skins. LFS won't load the textures because of not bothering your computer while racing. If you jump to the garage'n'out or just reset your car, the textures will load, at least this works for me.
It's sold already... And about cutting the usb cable. I think it's different in each country, or it matters on the guy whos sitting behind the phone. When he took a look at my broken G, he was like "I'm not sure, if it's enough, gimme a sec, will ask... yes, my assistant says it's broken very well.". Simply, they wouldn't give me a new one if I would cut only the cable. But for example WarLock, he saw writing me about this and his G25 was broken a little too, or started to be broken... so he asked me about the thing a lot and tried to call the Logitech support in his country. Now he has also new G25 from Monday . Logitech rocks!
Maybe the drifting would be faster only on a very narrow road with a very bad car - I mean it would be faster for the specific car to try to go a little sideways than to go the regular way.
Nice pass, it's actually a good thing for overtaking. Remember Nolan "BigTime" Scott in H2H series, when he passed someone by sideways in his LX? You are not faster, but you can actually get in a front of him so that he will be kind of blocked.